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   /ˌkælkyəˈleɪʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kal-kyuh-ley-shuhn]

1. the act or process of calculating; computation.
2. the result or product of calculating: His calculations agree with ours.
3. an estimate based on the known facts; forecast: Her calculation of the building costs proved quite accurate.
4. forethought; prior or careful planning.

5. scheming selfishness.

1350–1400; ME See calculate, -ion

Related forms:

cal⋅cu⋅la⋅tive  /ˈkælkyəˌleɪtɪv, ‑lətɪv/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kal-kyuh-ley-tiv, ‑luh-tiv]  , cal⋅cu⋅la⋅tion⋅al, cal⋅cu⋅la⋅to⋅ry  /ˈkælkyələˌtɔri, ‑ˌtoʊri/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kal-kyuh-luh-tawr-ee, ‑tohr-ee]  , adjective

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.
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Method Animation



Method animation, which is often used: 

Straight Ahead Animation: animation, the only method of movement from one image to Other movement in a Sequence of developing.
Planning leader Animation: aniamsi method that uses key leader or Extreme.
Planned Animation: a system that use animated images in the same scene different. This system is often used in making the cartoon TV series for the event because deathline that must be done in making the TV series. 
Cycle Animation: the system of celluloid long (12 inches) to describe the The movement repeatedly. This system is usually used to paning camera movement. 
Limited Animation: animation system that split the image of a character in accordance with 
needs in a scene. The aim is to me minimalisasikan-time employment because this system only changing the specific character of the body (such as lip movement to dalog) without changing the position of other members of the body in different scenes. 

3. Computer animation
Consistent with the name, this animated overall dikomputer done. Through the camera movement, the whole object can be shown in 3-dimensional; so much that This animation as animated 3-dimensional (3D animation), the development of 3D animation Home have started since 1964, when Ivan Sutherland of the Massachussetts Institute of Technology successfully developed a program called Sketchpad capable drawing-ray diffraction lines directly on cathoda ray Tube (CRT). The result is an object a simple and primitive; a cube with the lines, a group picture of geometric very simple but open views about how the human computer graphic can be 
Since the New York Institute of Technology (escapist goths) planned to start creating computeranimated feature film (1970), the first wave of commercial computer graphic studios start visible. Movie visionary George Lucas recruited from Catmul escapist goths in 1978 to open Lucas Film Computer Development Division. 
At Lucas Film out research on how digital technology pengaplikasian the feature film, other studios began creating flying logos and graphic to broadcast some companies such as the National Football League, and television programs such as NBC and The ABC World News Tonight. 
Until now, many 3D software used in the market. Meanwhile, for house effect, the large scale, they tended to use the software that they develop its own software called prophiety. For software that commercial many names that we know as Alias Power Animator, Softimage, 3D Max, etc.. 

The process of 3D Animation 

3D animation process requires a relatively simple compared to 2D animation (cel animation) because of all the process can be done directly in a computer software. In outline the process of 3D animation can be divided to stage 4, namely: 


Phase texturing can be done actually overlap with the modeling; depending on the level of needs, which will further our investigation 

1. Modeling 
This stage is the creation of object-object needed in the animation stage. This object can be primitive object shaped like Sphere (ball), Cube (cube) to us as the object a character and so forth. There are several types of material object that is adjusted with needs, namely: polygon, spline, and metaclay. Polygon is a triangle and segiempat determine the area of the surface of a character. 
Each polygon determine a flat field by putting a range polygon so that we can create the forms of surface. To get the surface fine, we need many areas of polygon. When we use only a little polygon, the object that we get will be divided into fractions, fractions polygon. 
Spline is a collection of some of the spline forming a layer of fine curva , called the patch. A patch determine the areas that are far more knowledgeable and a fine of polygon. 
In the form of Metaclay basically, metaball spherical (Sphere), which can be combined one another form so that the organic form of the object. 

2. Animating 
The process of animation in computer animation does not require the animator to create inbetween, as is done in traditional animation. The only animator define / create keyframe-keyframe on the object that will be moved. After the keyframing made, the computer will calculate and make their own inbetween automatically. 

This process determines karakterisik a material object in terms of texture. For a material the object itself, we can apply the specific properties such as reflectivity, Transparency, and refraction. Texture and can be used to mencreate different variations of the color pattern, the level of fineness / roughness a layer of the object in more detail. 

4. Rendering 
Rendering is the process of the end of the overall process of computer animation. In rendering, all data that is included in the process of Modeling, animation, texturing, lighting with diterjemaahkan certain parameters will be in a form of output. In the standard PAL system, a rendering of the resolution is 720x576 pixels. 

Terms are often used rendering: 

Field Rendering 
Field rendering often used to reduce the strobing effect caused by rapid movement from an object in the video rendering. 

Shader is a program that is used in certain 3D software (softimage) in the Special rendering process. Usually shader required to meet the needs of special effect such as lighting effects, atmosphere, FOG, and so forth. 

Antiliasing done when the pixel is limited. Antialiasing method is sublime and improve the surface rough or jagged edges of an object. This method uses mathematical processes that increase the pixel area. 

With the view of animation in the world can realize that the animation is very broad and our opportunity is wide open. For prospective young animator do not hesitate to see and the opportunity to achieve it. For those who have been working, should not fall in pengkotak-kotakan paper in the form of animation to the medium only. Because animation is basic together, create the illusion of life, from which there is not to be there.

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Cell Animation Development Process

PRAPRODUKSI animation 

Before the process of starting their own animation cels, the concept of stories that needed to be made in form of narration called the script. To equate the basic concept clearly between the script-writer, director and animator, the script should be diterjemaahkan into the picture called Sequence storyboard. Basically, the script and storyboard is the basic foundation of the whole process animation. Method synchronization dialogue with the movement, the body language of the characters, music and the position of the camera and then recorded in a field that brings together graphic elements has become a Guidance in every scene animation. Graphic column and then we known as the Exposure Sheet. Sometimes because of the need to create a more spesific data music must be made in a separate graphic called Bar Sheet. 


Once through the process praproduksi, then start working animator drawing pictures extreme determine the direction of movement / anticipation of better known keyframe; the animator is responsible for creating the images keyframe is called keyframer. A keyframer must consider the rule-making rules in the animated motion-motion animation such as anticipation, timing, the secondary Delayed action, squash-stretch, balance, staging, overlapping action, gesture and much more. Done keyframe is created, then the process continues on charging the images fill the movement of images called keyframe inbetween. Many small number of images inbetween depending on the duration required in doing the movement from one keyframe to the next keyframe. 
animator who created the image inbetween is inbetweener. Until the process, 
animation movement can dilihat.Proses production is usually not resumed before the director and animator discussions to evaluate the entire movement animation. This process is called the test line or also called remote test because the media used in this process is a pencil. 
Sometimes in an animated movie, many scenes that should be done by more than one animator. This has caused many a style / style of presentation keyframe or inbetween The different between the animator with one another. To overcome this, it energy needed cleaned-up artist who equates images of animation have been made. Cleaned-up animation that is so transparently ditrace to cel (celluloid) with ink pen. Then the coloring process is done behind the celluloid paper with opaque acrylic paint. This process, called the process of inking or pen-tintaan. This process is the process of production the last before the paper is ready cel placed on the image background (background) which diphotograph with a camera and animation. 
With the development of technology, this conventional process has been abandoned by many start studios studio. After the process of keyframing, the process is usually done with computer inbetweening special software that strung directly create a digital inbetween. If you have see the flash animation or shockwave on the internet, you will see that the process done similar with the animated web. If all the initial line to be scanned raster image. But on this image animation software is converted into vectors. Vector-vectors is the bertransformasi that will be inbetween accordance with calculasi the computer. 
For the inking process is also done with a lot of energy so that the computer costs production process can be far cheaper and faster than the conventional process. Of course this is a big threat for the animator and inbetweener. Like, they must learn to control computer software following animasinya if you want to stay survive in the field of animation.

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Types of Animation

TYPES animation 
The start of 20s, the popularity of animated cartoons gradually decreased and the start tend to sineas search for alternatives as the entertainment media. Saturated society began with the concept of animation when it does not have a story line and character-development of the characters. Major changes began in the mid 20s after several companies to develop animation the concept of commercialization where the big studios take over the local studio and determine
Until the standard for animation is currently divided in the animation category large, namely: 
1. Stop-motion animation (Stop Motion Animation) 
2. AnimasiTradisional (Traditional animation) 
3. Computer animation (Computer Graphics Animation) 

1. Stop-motion animation 
Stop-motion animation often called claymation because of the development, the type of animation This often use clay (clay) as the object that moved. Technical stop-motion animation The first time Stuart is found Blakton by the year 1906; by drawing expression the face of a cartoon on the blackboard, pictures taken with a still camera, and then deleted for the next drawing expression of the face. Technical stop-motion animation is often used in the visual effect for the films in the 50-year era of 60-or even to this day. 
Wallace and Gromit and Chicken Run, the paper Nick Parks, who was present in several during the last example is one of the paper stop motion animation. Another example is a celebrity Deadmatch on MTV presents the scenes tussle between the various celebrity world. Do not forget the Nightmare Before Christmast paper that the Tim Burton Batman movie with the famous and Edward Scissorhands So far, the development of the stop motion animation in Indonesia, not too big, so difficult The animator would be filed in this field. One of the causes could be the the level of difficulty and patience that is high enough, which of course is not owned by anyone. 

2. Traditional Animasi (Traditional animation) 
Traditional animation techniques animation is the most common known until now. Called traditional animation techniques because it is used during the first animated developed. Traditional animation is also often called cel animation techniques because the process tranparent done on celluloid, which briefly embodied by the OHP transparency often we use. With the development of computer technology, new animation techniques born of all process using a computer and then called the computer animation (animation computer) or better known 3D (imention) animation that will further our investigation on the next chapter. To distinguish the 3D animation, all done with computers, cel animation and also called 2D animation.

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History of Animation

In fact, animation is very old age. Since the range of movement found in the form of image in the various artefacts in the Ancient Egypt 2,000 years before the BC men have been trying illustration to create a movement that eventually developed into animation. Until finally Paul Roget, Joseph Plateau and Pierre Desvigenes find the pattern of vision eyes, was born the world 
animation, which until now able to bring the various wonders for the pemirsanya. Of present-scenes farcical scenes in the traditional cell animation, special effect, until the terrible in Computer Graphics Animation born studios of Hollywood. Would like to know more information? Look just writing the following ... 
Since aware that the images can be used as an alternative medium of communication, the desire arise turn these symbols into the mirror expression of culture. With proven diketemukannya various artefacts on the impossible Ancient Egypt before 2000 BC. One are some of the panel that describes the action of two pegulat in various pose. In one one illustration Leonardo da Vinci's famous, depicted members of the human body in various posisi.Seorang artist Gioto Italy, also depict angels in the position of flying with repitisi movement. 
Animation itself will never develop without finding the basic principles of the characters from the eyes human namely: persistance of vision (the regular pattern of vision). Paul Roget, Joseph Plateau and Pierre Desvigenes, through optic equipment that they create, succeed to prove that 
the human eye tends to catch the order of images in a certain grace period as a pattern. In its development, animation in general can be defined as: 
A Sequence of images diekspos on certain grace period to get an illusion moving pictures
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