Before the process of starting their own animation cels, the concept of stories that needed to be made in form of narration called the script. To equate the basic concept clearly between the script-writer, director and animator, the script should be diterjemaahkan into the picture called Sequence storyboard. Basically, the script and storyboard is the basic foundation of the whole process animation. Method synchronization dialogue with the movement, the body language of the characters, music and the position of the camera and then recorded in a field that brings together graphic elements has become a Guidance in every scene animation. Graphic column and then we known as the Exposure Sheet. Sometimes because of the need to create a more spesific data music must be made in a separate graphic called Bar Sheet.
Once through the process praproduksi, then start working animator drawing pictures extreme determine the direction of movement / anticipation of better known keyframe; the animator is responsible for creating the images keyframe is called keyframer. A keyframer must consider the rule-making rules in the animated motion-motion animation such as anticipation, timing, the secondary Delayed action, squash-stretch, balance, staging, overlapping action, gesture and much more. Done keyframe is created, then the process continues on charging the images fill the movement of images called keyframe inbetween. Many small number of images inbetween depending on the duration required in doing the movement from one keyframe to the next keyframe.
animator who created the image inbetween is inbetweener. Until the process,
animation movement can dilihat.Proses production is usually not resumed before the director and animator discussions to evaluate the entire movement animation. This process is called the test line or also called remote test because the media used in this process is a pencil.
Sometimes in an animated movie, many scenes that should be done by more than one animator. This has caused many a style / style of presentation keyframe or inbetween The different between the animator with one another. To overcome this, it energy needed cleaned-up artist who equates images of animation have been made. Cleaned-up animation that is so transparently ditrace to cel (celluloid) with ink pen. Then the coloring process is done behind the celluloid paper with opaque acrylic paint. This process, called the process of inking or pen-tintaan. This process is the process of production the last before the paper is ready cel placed on the image background (background) which diphotograph with a camera and animation.
With the development of technology, this conventional process has been abandoned by many start studios studio. After the process of keyframing, the process is usually done with computer inbetweening special software that strung directly create a digital inbetween. If you have see the flash animation or shockwave on the internet, you will see that the process done similar with the animated web. If all the initial line to be scanned raster image. But on this image animation software is converted into vectors. Vector-vectors is the bertransformasi that will be inbetween accordance with calculasi the computer.
For the inking process is also done with a lot of energy so that the computer costs production process can be far cheaper and faster than the conventional process. Of course this is a big threat for the animator and inbetweener. Like, they must learn to control computer software following animasinya if you want to stay survive in the field of animation.
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